Matilda’s Fox Force
Outfoxing CF
Outfoxing CF •
We are walking
for a cure.
Matilda was born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs.
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Great Strides Walk brings our friends and family together to raise money, show Matilda support, and just hang out and have a really nice day in great company for a good cause!
Matilda is 9 years old. She loves animals, even the tiniest too-many-legged invertebrates.
Foxes are her favorite!
She is on a swim team, is in a play, and takes piano lessons. She loves to do all kinds of art, to play make believe games, to create things, to climb too high, and to sing and dance.
She has a guinea pig named Goat and a twin sister named Lillian who has a guinea pig named Cherry.
She is a very stylish dresser.